Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Websites to Browse

Below are a couple of websites for book arts.  Check them out.  (link: CenterforBookArts)  (link:  Philobiblon)

Monday, August 18, 2014

August Meeting Recap

The meeting for August was small but fun.  I was not there, but Nancy was and has filled me on the details.

For our show at the end of October-November.  The work will need to be delivered to the gallery (located inside Mount Mary University) by approximately the week of October 19th.  Nancy is obtaining the finalized dates and will let us know exactly when things need to be in.  Our group pieces that will definitely be in the show are:
                  ABC Book
                  Curiosity Box
                  12" x 12" canvas
If you have any other pieces that you would like to submit, you can up to a total of 12.  Please also keep in mind that you will need to have a price list sheet for your work.  We plan on reviewing all the details, bring examples of price sheets, etc., and answer questions you may have at our September 12th meeting.

The group also did discuss printing issues.  Printing issues come up quite often in book design.  Nancy said she could give some detailed specifics about the printing process at a future meeting.  It would also be a great time to share any hints and tricks that you might have come with to deal with some of these problems.  I will put it on the calendar for sometime next year, and let everyone the specific date has been set.

The Summer page for our "Seasons" book was exchanged.  If you missed the meeting (like me) but still want to participate, don't worry.  We will have a page exchanged day before we actually bind the book.  Once again, this won't happen until next year.

Just a reminder, you can check out our Pinterest board at (link:  bindersguild pinterest)    

Our next meeting is September 12th at Artist and Display from 10am to Noon.  If you are planning to have work in the show, please plan on attending. If you are unable to attend but are planning to be in the show, please send an email to Nancy or me, so we can start to have a preliminary tally of who, what and how many for the show.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

July Recap and August Meeting Reminder

The July meeting was mostly a working meeting.  Just a reminder that everyone should plan on creating a canvas for our show at the end of October.  The canvas should be 12" x 12" gallery wrapped.  The depth should be between 1 3/8" to 1 1/2.  And the subject is "Storytelling".

Also, just a reminder that our next meeting is this Saturday, August 9th, from 10am to Noon at Artist and Display.  It worked out very well last time and its a great space to meet.  

Our Summer Page to the "Seasons" book is due.  Please bring 15 copies to share.  The page should be 8 1/2" x 11", with both sides and horizontal (for hamburger fold).  If you were not able to start with the Spring Page but still would like to participate, no problem.  Just bring a Summer Page this time and when our Fall Page is due, you can catch up with the Spring Page.  (We will be binding this book some time after the new year, so it will not be in the show.)

Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend (My kids Karate school has there annual picnic that day.  I will try to stop in and drop my pages off and say hi before we leave.), but I will see everyone in September.