Sunday, March 17, 2013

ABC Book


One of the current projects we are working on, is to create an ABC Book.  There is no limitation of the media, size or construction.  It's main subject just needs to be the alphabet.  (There is also no specification on the type of alphabet, so if you would like to do the Greek, Roman, Hebrew, etc. feel free.)

Inspiration for this project can come from many sources.  Check out our new board on Pinterest to help get those creative juices flowing.  (Just type Binders Guild in search and our board should come up.)  There are many great examples of ABC books to look at.

Quote of the Week:  "You can't use up creativity.  The more you use, the more you have." 
                                                                   - Maya Angelou

Sunday, March 10, 2013


                                                "Wycinanki" - Sheila Lewandowski, 2010

Welcome to the Binders Guild Blog Spot.  We are starting the year off by creating energy for the Guild's up and coming show in 2014.   We are very excited about the new opportunity to showcase our work.  Stay tune for more....

                                                        Untitled - Carolyn Brady, 2010