The July meeting was mostly a working meeting. Just a reminder that everyone should plan on creating a canvas for our show at the end of October. The canvas should be 12" x 12" gallery wrapped. The depth should be between 1 3/8" to 1 1/2. And the subject is "Storytelling".
Also, just a reminder that our next meeting is this Saturday, August 9th, from 10am to Noon at Artist and Display. It worked out very well last time and its a great space to meet.
Our Summer Page to the "Seasons" book is due. Please bring 15 copies to share. The page should be 8 1/2" x 11", with both sides and horizontal (for hamburger fold). If you were not able to start with the Spring Page but still would like to participate, no problem. Just bring a Summer Page this time and when our Fall Page is due, you can catch up with the Spring Page. (We will be binding this book some time after the new year, so it will not be in the show.)
Unfortunately, I will not be able to attend (My kids Karate school has there annual picnic that day. I will try to stop in and drop my pages off and say hi before we leave.), but I will see everyone in September.